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'Divine Love' - Rose Quartz, Leather, and Feather Earrings

'Divine Love' Rose Quartz, Leather, and Feather earrings.

Beautifully unique hand crafted earrings that are lightweight and perfect for any occasion.


Don’t let the soft pink colour and soothing energy of this stone fool you into discounting its power. Rose Quartz is one of the most important stones of our time. It stimulates and opens the heart, clears the energy body, and assists in the integration and resolution of old paradigm programs.


Key words: love, gentleness, emotional healing, release of stress, uniting wit the Divine.

Element: Water

Hooks: Sterling Silver

Length: 6"

Gemstones: Rose Quartz + Hematite

Leather: Gold Deer Hide 

Feathers: Rooster

Other material: Brass 



'Divine Love' - Rose Quartz, Leather, and Feather Earrings

  • Key words: love, gentleness, emotional healing, release of stress, uniting with the Divine.

    Element: Water

    Don’t let the soft pink colour and soothing energy of this stone fool you into discounting its power. Rose Quartz is one of the most important stones of our time. It stimulates and opens the heart, clears the energy body, and assists in the integration and resolution of old paradigm programs.

    Rose Quartz can vibrationally support the energetic stabilization of the physical heart as it shifts to match the increasing frequency of the Earth plane. It can aid those experiencing palpitations or skipped beats, irregular heart rhythm or emotional distress due to these energetic changes. It is a wonderful stone of protection for children, as its strong heart energy transforms negativity into compassionate understanding.

    Physically, Rose Quartz is a gentle stabilizing stone to use for physical heart trauma and imbalance. It can help the heart make the shift from stress-based physiology to the higher frequencies of Love-based physiology.

    Affirmation: “I open my heart to receive and express the energy of Love.”

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